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Native Plants 101: Plant Propagation

  • Ended
  • 30 US dollars
  • Leaves for Wildlife Native Plant Nursery, 1655 County Rd 605, Sunbury, OH 43074

** This workshop -- taught by three local plant experts -- was one of our most popular classes last year! Register ASAP to reserve your spot and avoid disappointment. ** Come and learn how to propagate native plants using many different techniques. This class will cover breaking seed dormancy, cold moist stratification, rooted cuttings, layering, direct planting, growing from bare root, and MORE! Attendees receive a descriptive list of Midwest native trees, shrubs, grasses, perennials, annuals, and vines that can be easily propagated and should be considered for your garden. BONUS: Each participant will take home a bare root tree, shrub, fern, OR spring ephemeral they pot up using the methods learned in class! LOCATION NOTE: This class is offered in collaboration with the Columbus Garden School, but takes place at Leaves for Wildlife Native Plant Nursery in Sunbury, OH. Make sure to have extra room in your car if you wish to purchase additional plants to take home after your workshop! INSTRUCTORS: PATTY SHIPLEY is the owner of Leaves for Wildlife, a native plant nursery in Sunbury, Ohio. Her career in integrative wellness practice inspired Patty to improve the environment as a means of preventing and reversing human illness, while at the same time preserving and restoring bio-diverse habitat for wildlife. Leaves for Wildlife allows Patty and her staff to take action as growers and educators to help people understand why planting natives is critical for the health and well-being of humans and wildlife. DEB KNAPKE is passionate about gardening, sustainable garden design and the natural world, and enjoys sharing knowledge through her writing, public speaking, and garden consulting in the private and public sectors. She has served on various local and national committees and boards that focus on education, the environment, and sustainability. She loves being a gardener and has packed an amazing variety of perennials, trees, shrubs, and edibles onto the 2/3-acre lot surrounding her home. TISA WATTS is the founder of the Columbus Garden School. She’s a landscape designer, educator, and public speaker with 20+ years of professional experience. She has a degree in Horticulture and Landscape Design, and her passion is helping Columbus residents identify the best native plants to restore backyard biodiversity to our neighborhoods!

Cancellation Policy

For a full refund, please contact us at least 72 hours prior to class to cancel your registration. (Refund policy for materials fee, if applicable, may vary and is included in class description.) In most cases, you can transfer your class enrollment to a friend -- just let us know! Please note, we do NOT record or distribute our online presentations.

Contact Details

+ (614) 404-7236

1350 East Cooke Road, Columbus, OH, USA

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