CGS Winter Sowing with Plastic Milk Jugs
MATERIALS Clean, dry, and empty gallon-size milk, vinegar, etc. jugs. Make sure jugs are translucent – light needs to pass through....
CGS Winter Sowing with Plastic Milk Jugs
Three Tools Do So Much!
Prune That Troublesome Limb Out of Your Tree!
Turning Turf Into Veggies and Native Plants!
Essential Tools & Materials for New Gardeners
Build a (Vegetable) Bed
Get Outside While the Getting Is Good!
Perform or perish / An Oakland gardener prefers tough love to spoiling her plants
Native Bees, Honeybees, and Wasps – Oh My!
Why Not Compost?
State of the Prairie (July 2019)
Neonics, greenhouse plants, and pollinators
Stumped by "stump pruning"
(614) 404-7236
1350 E Cooke Rd
Columbus, OH 43224
©2021 by Columbus Garden School.