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The American pussy willow (Salix discolor) is a narrow shrub or small tree usually to 10-20 ft. with multiple trunks and dark-gray, scaly bark. The familiar, silvery-gray, furry catkins appear before leaf emergence. Deciduous leaves are broad, bright-green, and shiny. Many-stemmed shrub or small tree with open rounded crown; silky, furry catkins appear in late winter and early spring.


The large flower buds burst and expose their soft silky hair, or "pussy fur," early in the year. In winter, cut Pussy Willow twigs can be put in water and the flowers forced at warm temperatures. Some twigs will produce beautiful golden stamens, while others will bear slender greenish pistils. The Latin species name refers to the contrasting colors of the leaf surfaces, which aid in recognition. (Via


We have several small shrubs of American pussy willow growing at CGS -- this is a plant with tremendous wildlife value! Willows are second only to oaks in the number of insect larvae they host. One of the spring's earliest providers of nectar and pollen for foragers including native bees, and a source of foliage for numerous butterfly and moth caterpillars (not to mention a few mammals).


Happiest in a damp spot or rain garden. Can develop into a thicket over time -- simply cut the entire plant to the ground every few years to control size.


  • Pickup is at the Columbus Garden School, 1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH 43224. Arrange a pickup time before coming to CGS by sending text or email first.

    Text 614-404-7236

  • Please pick up your plant(s) within 7 days of submitting your order. Plants not retrieved within 7 days of purchase are considered abandoned (no refunds) and will be donated at CGS discretion.


Slight size differences in plants. You choose your plant when you come for pickup (or let us pick for you). First come, first served! No holds without payment. When they're gone, they're GONE!

American Pussy Willow (shrub/tree) - 3g pot

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