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150 high-performance plants for patios, decks, balconies and borders, by Raymond J. Evison. Hardback in very good used condition. Original price $34.95.


"Recognizing that minimal spaces require clematis of maximum impact, author Raymond J. Evison highlights a selection of high-performance, disease-resistant clematis that flower freely over a long period. He recommends the best clematis for particular situations such as containers, mixed borders, patios, deck gardens, hanging baskets and balconies, and goes on to provide detailed plant descriptions organized by flowering season. The author discusses suitable companion plants, explaining how to achieve a compatible mix of color, shape, and form."


Tisa says, "Just buy it for the fabulous photos. OMG -- it's a gorgeous book of endless clematis blooms!"



Your purchase (and book donations) help support the programs and facilities at the Columbus Garden School. Thank you!

Clematis for Small Spaces

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  • Pick up is at the Columbus Garden School:
    1350 E. Cooke Rd, Columbus OH  43224
    WE DO NOT SHIP BOOKS. Please arrange a time-window to pick up your purchase by texting/calling (614) 404-7236 first.

    Inspect your purchase carefully before you leave the garden school; all sales are final.

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